How Temporary Rate Buydowns Work?

In the ever-evolving landscape of real estate financing, temporary rate buydowns have emerged as a powerful tool for both homebuyers and lenders. This financial strategy offers an enticing way to lower initial mortgage interest rates, providing advantages to borrowers while fostering a competitive edge in the housing market.

What is a Temporary Buydown?

A Temporary Rate Buydown, also known as a rate reduction or rate buydown, is a type of mortgage financing in which the interest rate is temporarily reduced for a specified period of time. The purpose of a rate buydown is to lower the monthly mortgage payment and make homeownership more affordable for borrowers who might otherwise not qualify for a loan. The lower interest rate is usually achieved by making a lump sum payment at the beginning of the loan term, which is used to subsidize the interest rate for a specified period of time. After this period, the interest rate will usually increase to the specified rate. This type of financing can be beneficial for borrowers who expect their income to increase over time, or who plan to refinance the loan at a later date.

Buydown Options

Buydown Options

There are several types of commonly offered Buydown loans:

  1. 1-0 Buydown: A 1-0 Buydown is a type of Buydown where the interest rate is reduced by 1 percentage point for the first year, and then returns to the market rate for the remaining term of the loan.
  2. 2-1 Buydown: A 2-1 Buydown is a type of Buydown where the interest rate is reduced by 2 percentage points for the first year, 1 percentage point for the second year, and then returns to the market rate for the remaining term of the loan.
  3. 3-2-1 Buydown: A 3-2-1 Buydown is a type of Buydown where the interest rate is reduced by 3 percentage points for the first year, 2 percentage points for the second year, 1 percentage point for the third year, and then returns to the market rate for the remaining term of the loan.

Temporary Buydown Pros and Cons

A Temporary Buydown can offer several advantages and disadvantages for borrowers:


  • Lower initial monthly payments: The temporary reduction in the interest rate results in lower monthly mortgage payments, making homeownership more affordable in the short-term.
  • Improved loan affordability: The reduced monthly mortgage payment can make it easier for borrowers to qualify for a loan, as some lenders will consider the lower payment when determining their ability to repay the loan.
  • Flexibility: A Temporary Buydown can provide borrowers with greater flexibility, as they can choose to refinance the loan or sell the property once the interest rate returns to the market rate.


  • Higher long-term costs: Although the monthly mortgage payment is lower during the temporary buydown period, the total cost of the loan will be higher due to the interest that accrues over time.
  • Upfront cost: The upfront cost of the buydown, which is typically a lump sum payment at the beginning of the loan term, can be substantial and may not be feasible for all borrowers.

Temporary Buydown pros and cons

Buydown vs Buying points

A Buydown is a type of mortgage financing where the interest rate is temporarily reduced for a specified period of time, where as buying points is a way to pay upfront to permanently reduce your interest rate. Both Buydowns and buying points can be a good option for borrowers who want to lower their interest rate, but it is important to carefully consider the costs and benefits of each option.

Final thoughts

Whether a Buydown loan is a good option for you depends on your personal situation. Before choosing this type of mortgage loan financing, it is important for borrowers to carefully consider their finances, long-term goals, potential costs, and benefits and disadvantages of a Temporary Buydown. Working with a trusted lender who can help you compare these programs will make the decision process much easier. Please reach out to me for further guidance on Temporary Buydowns and current interest rates at 312-296-4175 or email me at I lend in all 50 states and I am never too busy for your referrals!!